“Please, just hear me out,” Matthew begs me.

“You have one minute.”

“I’m sorry. I-”

I stop him, in case he wants to sweet talk me. “If this is your way of winning me back, don’t even try.”

“I promise I’m not. I just want to get things off my chest, I’ve lived in guilt for too long. I’m sorry, and I hope that you will forgive me someday.” Matthew walks away, but this time I stop him.

“Matthew, wait.” He turns around, and looks at me.

“You’re forgiven.”


“Yeah, really.”

“Friends?” He asks me, flashing his signature smile.


For some reason, this feels good, it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Maybe coming here for revenge wasn’t the best idea.

Someone screams.

“What’s going on?!” Matthew asks the guard wolves.

“The war has begun!”

I see wolves get attacked, left and right. I feel my body go stiff, but I know that I can’t give up now. I was sent here for a reason, and I have to do what I’m supposed to do.

I try mindlinking Darian but I can’t get through. I see a little girl about to be attacked by a wolf. I use my telekinesis, I pick up the wolf, and slam it into a nearby tree. I run towards her, pick her up and go inside the house. I placed the shaken toddler in a cupboard. I kneel down in front of her, and place both my hands on her cheeks.

“What’s your name angel?”

“My name…my name is Angela.”

“Angela….that’s a beautiful name.”

I look into the toddler’s bright blue eyes, and all I could see is my younger self. I couldn’t help but feel protective of this little girl in front of me.

“Where’s mommy and daddy?”

“Mommy and daddy are on the floor at home. They weren’t answering me, and they were bleeding. I ran out to find help, but no one helped me.”

I then knew that her parents were attacked by the rogues. I didn’t want this young one to get hurt, or get her life cut short.

“OK, I need you to stay here alright? I’m going to close this door, and whatever happens, whatever you hear, I need you to keep quiet and don’t make a sound. OK?”

The little girl just nods, and I go to the fridge, and take out a bottle of juice. I take out some snacks, and throw them in a bowl. I then handed the items to her, hoping that she wouldn’t go hungry while the war was on. Right now, it’s too dangerous to be outside.

“I promise I’ll come back for you.”

I kiss her on the forehead, and then close the cupboard door. I meant what I said, and I will come back. This little girl gave me the motivation to end this war once and for all. I run onto the porch. In front of me stands a small brown wolf. I try to shift but Ohana won’t let me.

“Ohana, what’s going with you? We need to shift or else I’ll die.

“We can’t shift, Mia.”

“Why not?”

“You’re pregnant, if you shift you’ll hurt the pup.”

My whole world stops when I hear the news. I’m pregnant? I’m becoming a mother…I’m carrying a pup. That explains the reason why I felt so ill during the last three weeks. The wolf growls at me.

“Fight, Mia, I’ll protect your pup.” I heard a familiar voice.

“Moon goddess?”

The wolf bites my leg. I get thrown against a tree. A wolf bites my hand, another other grabs my neck. This is it, I’m dying, and no one will save me.

The little girl, she is depending on me, I am not going to give up. I use my magic, and I make myself invisible. With all my strength, I kick the wolf in the stomach, making sure that I get the sensitive area. When it falls to the ground, I throw the other wolf into the tree, knocking it’s head against the tree trunk. I finish the job by using my telekinesis once again; I use my power and pick up a vine, wrap it around the black wolf’s neck, and strangle him to death. Then, my entire body lights up in flames. I create fireballs with the palm of my hands, and directed them towards my enemies.

One by one, they all start to fall. I see that there aren’t any more wolves left to fight. I run into the house, open the cupboard, and pick up the scared little girl. She keeps on staring at me. I catch my reflection in the window. My eyes are bright orange, the colour of fire. When I get outside, I feel my legs giving in. I put Angela down. I don’t have the strength anymore.

I fall to the ground. I saved this little girl’s life. I ended the war. I close my eyes.

I hear Darian’s voice. “I’m right here, love; please don’t leave me.”

Tell us: How do you think Mia feels about the young girl? Why did she help her?