The ‘Moses and Gcina Reign’ at the school brings great results, we work together as a team.

Not only do we study together during the week, we also organise weekend study sessions at the school, for the students. All the study groups meet from morning until late afternoon to help each other. The soup kitchen is going from strength to strength.

I am even helping Moses to organise the Matric Dance.

One day, I pluck up the courage to tell Moses something I had now thought about a lot: “Moses I want you to … have me … the night of the Matric dance.”

In response, Moses smiles from ear to ear and hugs and kisses me tenderly. He was not joking when he called me his ‘Queen’, he sure treats me like it.

He pulls out all the stops for me. For a start, Mama doesn’t have to spend much on my outfit for the dance. She only buys me shoes and has my hair done. Moses has our outfits designed and made, and hires a limo to pick us up from his house. His father is very proud of his son, and he foots the bill with no hesitation.

Mama is happy and very grateful. Although she hasn’t said anything, she suspects that I am dating Moses. His father also suspects, but he likes me, he likes that I am Head Girl. To him, I think, it means that I am focused and smart.

Moses and I, the ‘King and Queen’, arrive by white limo at the Matric Dance, to the sound of the other students screaming and cheering. Lerato is envious of course, and staring me down. But I don’t care, Moses and I look beautiful in matching gold and white and I feel amazing.

“So, this is the same girl who wasn’t interested in the Matric dance hey? Choma, you look gorgeous and that limo, oh my God – absolutely wow!” says Nombulelo.

“Thank you friend. You look beautiful too, I love your dress.” Lelo looks very beautiful and I am happy to see her friendly face. We hug tight, both excited for the evening ahead.

And fabulous fun it is, passing by in a whirl of showing off outfits, flirting, food, and dancing.

Moses and I are the first to leave, the limo taking us to a Bed and Breakfast close by, which Moses had booked.

“Oh, so this is why I was instructed to bring a change of clothes, and here I thought it was all for the afterparty,” I say.

“Baby this is the afterparty, just you and I,” replies Moses.

That evening Moses breaks my virginity with gentleness, love and protection. He enters me with passion and I wince at the pain but he is patient and gentle; he handles me with such care.

“I love you Gcina. You’re my Queen.”

“I love you too Moses. You’re my King.”

I am deeply in love with Moses and we make love many times after that, sneaking around to Moses’ house like the teenagers we are – but not failing to study too.

The feelings between us are intense, and when I am alone I think about how it all started, whether it was fate that we were the school Heads. How my connection with Moses just sneaked up on me, unannounced, and I suddenly felt him touch my soul.

What can ever break it; this love connection?


Tell us what you think: Is this teenage love affair going to last, once school is over?