The ‘Moses and Gcina’ flame burns fiercely and soon everyone can tell that there is something between us. One afternoon at Moses’ house the two of us are studying, without Lelo.
“You know what love birds, I have my own study group,” Lelo had said one day.
I was hurt but Moses was secretly happy, I could tell. He loved the idea of being alone with me.
“Gcina, you know everyone thinks we’re an item right?”
“Well who’s fault is that? You’re the one who struggles with being discreet.”
“Oh really?”
“Yes really Moses. I mean, you see me in the morning and you offer to carry my schoolbag and walk me to class, and everyone is watching.”
“What can I say – I’m a gentleman,” Moses says and moves closer.
“Yes, you are.”
And we kiss, and touch. It feels amazing.
“So, I got asked to the Matric Dance today,” says Moses.
“By whom?!” I snap and frown.
“Oh … and?”
“And I said yes.”
“You said yes?”
“Yes. You always say how you’re not interested in going to the Matric Dance.”
My mouth goes dry; my heart sinks.
“Right, I’m not, so have fun with Lerato.”
I start packing my books. “I need to go now. I have chores to do before Mama comes home.”
Moses grabs my hands.
“Leave me alone Moses.”
He pulls me towards him and hugs me.
“Stop it Moses. I have to go!” I am upset.
“Baby I’m joking. I told Lerato I’m taking my girlfriend to the Matric dance. You are my girlfriend, right?”
I stop struggling. “Yes Moses, I am your girlfriend.” I am emotional and teary.
“I’m sorry Baby, that was a bad joke. Come here.” He kisses me on the forehead. “I’ve only got eyes for you. You’re my Queen.”
The tears roll down my face and Moses kisses my wet cheeks. “I love you,” he says. It is the first time either of us has said the ‘L’ word.
“I love you too.” The words slide gently off my tongue.
We start kissing. Moses takes off his shirt. I am feeling his lean body, running my hands down his abs. I am still in my uniform, Moses unbuttons my tunic and my bra. He touches me gently. It feels amazing. He lays me on the couch.
“Moses. I’m not ready to …”
He comes up and kisses me on the forehead.
“Baby I know you’ve never done this before. Relax. I have so much respect for you and I want your first time to be special. I promise I won’t put it in. In fact we’ll keep our underwear on, ne?”
“Okay. I’m sorry it’s just that …”
“Shh don’t apologise. We’re just having foreplay.”
The foreplay is amazing. Moses knows his way around my body and it is screaming for more – but mentally I am not yet ready to lose my virginity.
Moses is not a virgin; he has had sex with two different girls, one from his neighbourhood, and Lerato from school, who was his ex-girlfriend.
But he’s not pressuring me; he loves and respects me.
Tell us what you think: Moses and Gcina are almost eighteen. Should they even be having ‘foreplay’ as intimate as this?