Thato and Mildred walked very fast to the airport. When they neared the airport buildings, they stopped.

Then Thato heard a familiar noise. He looked up into the sky, but there was no aeroplane flying above their heads. Thato realized there was an aeroplane taking off.

He grabbed Mildred’s hand and they both ran like the wind to the wire fence at the far end of the runway. Sure enough, a small white aeroplane was just rising into the sky. Thato looked longingly at the aeroplane. It reminded him of a great big bird in the sky. How he wished he was on that aeroplane and flying away through the clouds! It must be such a wonderful feeling. Suddenly he couldn’t wait to leave school and study to be a pilot or a technician working on aircraft.

Today there was only one other aeroplane standing on the runway. Thato wondered if it was going to take off too.

He sighed very loudly. If only he could fly in an aeroplane. Just once! Then he would be very happy. It wouldn’t matter then that he had to wait so long for his dream to come true.

Thato turned his eyes away from the sky. He looked about him. Mildred was watching him closely. Thato noticed that the airport was very quiet today. There were hardly any people about. He wondered again if the other aeroplane might be taking off. It didn’t seem likely. There didn’t seem to be any airport staff around the place.

“It looks like that other aeroplane is not going to fly today,” Mildred said as if reading his thoughts.

“I agree,” Thato said. The two sat down on the grass to rest.

“And it looks like we are the only two plane spotters here today,” Mildred said. She wanted to cheer Thato up.

“Yeah, it looks like it,” Thato said. “Well, I suppose we’d better go home. That way I can get my chores done early. Then this afternoon we can study together and then later go for a walk and get some cooldrinks at the spaza.”

“Sounds like a great plan,” Mildred said and wrapped her arms around Thato. He gazed into her soft, dark eyes.

“I’m so happy that we are friends, Mildred. My whole family likes you. Gogo said you keep me focused.”

“Oh, is that all I’m good for?” Mildred teased.

“Well, I didn’t want to tell her you happen to be a great kisser as well.” The two friends had discussed sex a few times. Both of them had agreed not to make love yet. They felt they had plenty of growing up to do still.

But they kissed often, and hugged each other all the time. They were perfectly content in each other’s company.

A short time later the pair stood up and started walking back home. They hadn’t gone far when Thato stopped and looked behind him. He wanted to catch a last glimpse of the aeroplane. He would have to wait a whole week before he could visit the airport again. It seemed like a lifetime away. Still there were no people about.

Then he laughed out loud, because now he had a wonderful idea. He was surprised he hadn’t thought of it before. Slowly, he walked back towards the wire fence.

As he walked, Thato kept looking about him.

“What are you doing, Thato?” Mildred tugged on his arm.

But Thato didn’t answer her. He felt like there were butterflies in his stomach.

He knew that what he was going to do could get them into trouble. If Gogo or his father ever found out they would never allow him back to the airport. In fact they would probably ground him for life.

But he just wanted to take a closer look at the aeroplane. He also wanted Mildred to see the aeroplane up closer. What harm could they possibly do? Nobody would ever know that the two of them had been near it.

The sun was very hot now and he was sweating. Thato could feel the sweat running down his back. But he was also very excited.

“Come on!” he said, and helped Mildred climb over the fence. He liked that she didn’t keep pestering him about what he was going to do.

Thato grabbed her hand, and they walked quickly to the aeroplane. For a few moments they just stood still, gazing at it. Then they began walking around it. Every few minutes they stopped and looked through the windows. The aeroplane was very small. Thato counted the seats. There were only ten of them. Neither Thato or Mildred had ever been this close to an aeroplane before. Thato’s heart was beating fast with excitement. Mildred was afraid but excited at the same time.

Thato walked nearer to the door of the aeroplane. Then he noticed something. The door of the aeroplane was open slightly. He felt his heart stop in his chest for a moment.

He looked at Mildred. She shrugged her shoulders ever so slightly at him. Did she know what he was thinking?


Tell us what you think: What do you think Thato is about to do? Do you think it is foolish?