“I just can’t wait for all of it to be over. I hate dancing now. I used to love it, but I’m going to quit. In fact I’m going to skip ballet class today.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” asked Rachel’s friend Precious. But Precious didn’t understand. She wasn’t a dancer. It was no use talking to her.

“You can’t just quit,” said Linda, running up. She had overheard Rachel. “You just need to lose the weight. I’ve got a really good diet my aunt went on. I can photocopy it for you.”

“No thanks,” snapped Rachel. She didn’t want Linda’s help. She wanted Linda to vanish into thin air.

“Linda’s right.” Simon had come up to join them. These days wherever Linda was, you would find Simon a few steps behind.

Rachel looked at Linda and Simon. The sight made her feel ill. Their fake concern and advice about dieting was hurtful. Linda had never been on a diet in her life! And Simon, who was meant to be her friend and take her side, was now echoing everything Linda said.

Rachel hurried away from them, feeling hot tears pricking her eyes.

In the toilets she fished in her pocket for Amy’s number. She entered it into her phone contact’s list. Amy would understand. She could call her. But just then the bell rang and she had to go back to class. She would find a time later, at home, to call her new friend.

After school Rachel saw Simon standing alone waiting for the taxi. He smiled at her. Perhaps he did still want to be friends? She thought of Amy, and how she handled guys with confidence. What had she said? “Give them a little bit, but not too much at a time. Keep them keen…”

She walked over to where Simon was waiting for the taxi. “Hi there!” said Rachel, casually.

“Hey, are you going to the end of term party?” Simon replied, smiling.

“Maybe… if I find the right guy to go with. He will have to be good looking and interesting. Most of the guys in my class are boring.” Simon’s taxi pulled up alongside them. “Well, see you around…” Rachel said and began to walk away. She was pleased with herself. She was glad the school day had ended like this and Simon had seen her confident, not running away in tears like earlier. She had Amy to thank for that.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around. “Hey Rachel, would you like to come with me to a party this weekend? That’s if I’m good looking enough and not boring.” Simon had run after her.

Rachel wanted to ask Simon if it was because Linda had another date. But she stopped herself.

“I’ll let you know,” she said.

When she got home she couldn’t wait to tell Amy that her advice had worked. But Jasmine was trailing around the house. Eventually she got rid of her, telling her sister that she had a school assignment. She logged onto her computer. But instead of going to her project she Googled Facebook and logged in.

A face and message popped up on her screen. “Friend request: Amy Janson.”

Rachel stared. Amy looked so glamorous in the photograph. She wore red lipstick and her dark hair was styled up so that it looked sleek and sophisticated. She was wearing a low-cut black dress. She didn’t look like the casual Amy she had chatted to on the train and in the bar, the Amy in jeans and a cool top. This was another woman altogether. But then Rachel thought of her friends who made themselves look older for their Facebook photos, often posing provocatively too.

Rachel accepted Amy’s friend request. Immediately a green light lit up next to Amy’s name. She was on chat. They didn’t need the train now to chat. She could do it anytime from her computer. This was great.


Hey there

Guess what?


I spoke to my crush. I took your advice. It worked. He invited me on a date.

That’s great. Proud of you. We’ll chat again later. Gotta get back to work.

OK cool.

Rachel nearly typed: ‘Can’t wait,’ but decided this was too eager. Then another message from Amy popped up.

Hey I see your mom is one of your FB friends? Amy added a smiley face.

Ugh, embarrassing! I know. She’s like Big Brother… watching me.

Gotta go.

Just then Jasmine ran into Rachel’s room. Rachel quickly closed down Facebook.

“Who are you chatting to?” asked Jasmine.

“Mind your own business!” Rachel snapped at her little sister.

“I bet it’s your new friend,” said Jasmine. “Wait until Mom finds out. I know what your password is.”

* * *

Tell us what you think: What is your opinion of Amy’s advice for how a girl should ‘keep a guy interested’?