“So he’s new to the school?” Jade asked.

“You know, it’s funny. He’s a very qualified biology teacher and he seems quite committed to the children and his profession. But this is his third school in five years. That’s quite unusual,” she said. “Before this he was in Joburg at a private girls’ school, and before that at a school in Durban.”

“Was there a problem at those schools?” Debra asked.

“I did ask but there seemed to be nothing,” she said. “After our last interview I spoke to him about the manner in which he touched Mindy Williams. I was not comfortable with that. He apologised.”

Jade and Debra went back to the station to look over the forensic report. There was no semen, so the rapist wore a condom. But they did get DNA from under Lana’s fingernails, meaning she’d fought her killer. Forensics were running that, and hopefully they’d get a match.

In the meanwhile, Jade and Debra agreed that Reynold’s work record needed to be looked into. Debra called Mr Reynold’s two past schools.

As she ended the calls, Jade’s phone rang. It was Mindy.

“Can I meet you after school?” Mindy asked.

“Sure, we’ll come and pick you up.”

“Who was that?” Debra asked, when Jade hung up.

“Mindy Williams. Wants to meet us after school,” Jade said. “Maybe she’s remembered something. I hope so.”

“Anything from the schools?” Jade asked.

“Nope. Only that same thing: a bit too close to the students. Both of his principals put it down to him being so young. And they both mentioned being sad to lose him,” Debra said.

“He was the one initiating the transfers?” Jade asked.

“Yep. Both cases he quit, no real reasons. Just gave notice,” Debra said.

When Mindy got into the car Jade could see she was very upset. She had thought they’d go to a nearby fast-food place to talk, but instead she drove them to a nearby park that was nearly empty.

“I can’t believe that Lana is dead,” Mindy said. “Who would kill Lana? She was the sweetest girl. You should have seen how people were crying at assembly, and it wasn’t fake. People are so sad.”

“It’s horrible. But we’re going to find the person who did this,” Debra said.

“Did you remember something you wanted to tell us?” Jade asked.

Mindy blew her nose, already raw from a day of tears. “Yes … yes I did.”


Tell us: What do you think Mindy knows?