I’m in the classroom, doing our after-school classes with my two friends, James and Daniel. We’re also with six learners from other Grade 11 classes. It’s late and I didn’t tell my mother that I’d be coming home this late, but we actually didn’t plan it. She doesn’t like the idea of me coming home late because of how unsafe our community is: we’re slowly being flooded with drug addicts. Day by day we have new nyaope boys, some of whom we grew up with. It’s like watching a plant that you took care to water very well die before bearing any fruit; all efforts have been wasted.

I raise my hand high.

“Yes, Tox?”

“I’m sorry to disrupt you, Linda, but can I leave? It’s really getting late for me, guys, my parents will be furious at me.”

“OK, Just a little moment, we’ll be out at half-past five.”

“Eish, I’ll be in trouble,” I say.

I burn waiting for the clock to hit half-past five. Mom is really going to kill me.

“OK, guys, that’s it for the day, we’ll see each other tomorrow,” Linda says.

I quickly pack my stuff and rush out.

“Tox! You aren’t even going to say goodbye?” asks Daniel.

“Yoh, sorry guys, see you all tomorrow!” I say, just around the corner, running downstairs.

I’m sure they’re wondering why I’m making this a big deal. Unlike them, I don’t ride a taxi home. I travel by foot for 40 minutes and it’s winter.


Just as I’m two blocks away from home, I see a pile of wood, stones, and brick pieces by the road. This must have been another mob justice action, I’m sure of it.

What was it about this time? I ask myself.

I arrive at the house. I find that Mom is already back and she has started cooking dinner. At least I won’t be cooking today.

“Hi Mom.”

“Where have you been?”

“We had an after-school study class.”

“So why didn’t you bother to tell us?”

“We didn’t actually plan it, we just decided to do it and we mistakenly didn’t pay attention to the time. We are trying to help each other with the subjects we’re struggling with, I’m positive that we will pass this time.”

“Up until this late? Do you know how dangerous Tholalive has become? Do you recall how many times I’ve told you to be off the streets before it’s dark no matter what the circumstances are?! Tox, you must always come home early!”

“Mom, why are you shouting?”

“What!? Are you out of your mind? I’m trying to help you here!”

“It was a mistake, I was just trying to help myself pass, that’s all.”

“You’re making it sound as if I’m the wrong one here!”

“To be honest, Mom, if you only agreed to get me a tutor, none of this would be happening, it’s not like I enjoy it anyway. I’m doing this just so I can pass: unfortunately you and Dad never appreciate my hard work.”

“Tox, it’s your duty to make sure that you pass, however, it’s also my responsibility to keep you safe at all times. I don’t want to lose a child. So make sure to never come home this late. If not, you’ll have to cancel these after-school classes of yours, are we clear?”

“But Mom, how am I going to pass?”

“You’ll have to study harder here at home.”

“Then at least get me a tutor.”

“We can’t afford one.”

“But Mom…”

“We won’t argue about this.”

I head to my bedroom.

“You’re turning your back on me!? I’m going to tell your father about this.”

“I’ll eat my food later in the night, I ate something at school.”

I lock myself up in my bedroom. Mom can be so dramatic sometimes. I’ll wait up until they finish eating and eat later, otherwise they’ll turn dinner into a court hearing. I work on my homework. Then later on, after they’ve eaten, I go out to eat as well.

Tell us: What do you think of Tox’s mother reaction?