Yebo and his parents lived in a forest.
In the same area, there lived Zim-zim, a giant.
Zim-zim was known for eating children.
Sikwebu, Yebo’s father, was a hunter. When he
returned home, he called, “Yebo! Yebo! Come
meet me my child.”
Yebo would run out to meet his father.
Zim-zim saw all this.
Zim-zim tried to imitate Sikwebu, “Yebo! Yebo!
Come meet me my child.”
He knew he didn’t sound like Sikwebu.
“How can I change my voice?” he wondered.
Zim-zim sought help from a wizard.
“How can I change my voice to a human one?”
he asked.
“Heat an axe until it is red hot, then swallow it
whole,” the wizard advised.