Albertina took a train to Johannesburg. She bought a smart white uniform, new navy shoes and a shiny red fountain pen. Sick people came all day to the hospital. She cleaned their wounds with careful fingers. She held the old people gently. When the babies cried, she sang: “Be strong, little one. Winter’s not long. Be brave, little one. Together we’re strong!
Some nights Albertina worked till dawn. She looked out the window and thought of her family. Were the children hungry? Did they go to school? Who was riding Shishi? She remembered the dark green spinach. She missed the scent of the earth. There was no vegetable garden here. There was nowhere for a horse.
Albertina never went to parties. She saved every shilling. On her days off she learned to play tennis. Whoosh! Plop! She whacked the ball across the net. Always, she wished for a little more money to send home.