“No. But I am an uncle and would like to be your friend, Shree. I like to make friends with young girls,” says the uncle-who-is-not-Chaitra.
“Eeeeeeee!” shrieks Shree.
Akka is beside her in a second, along with the station manager. The uncle-who-is-not-Chaitra is surprised. He didn’t expect that Shree would bring two grown-ups with her.

Akka hits him with her handbag.
Then she yells, “Don’t you dare come near my niece!”
“Owww!” he cries.
Just then the train moves. He runs towards a bogey door. The station manager rushes forward to catch the man. But he disappears into the crowded train. They all go to the police station.

“You are a brave pair!” says a policewoman. “Thank you for informing us about this imposter. Shree,
you were clever to confide in a trusted adult! Will you put up this poster about cyber security in your school, please? We would also like to conduct a cyber-safety class in your school.”
She says an expert from the Cyber Crime Cell will need to take a look at Shree’s computer.

The next day, a cyber-crime officer goes through Shree’s computer. Within hours, the police find the man who pretended to be Chaitra. They nab him from his office in Bengaluru and find that he has been trying to befriend many young girls and boys on social media. Shree decides to only have friends from her own school. She can’t wait to tell her friends about her scary adventure with her cyber ‘friend’.