“Where are you going?” asked the father.
“We’re trying to catch the Boerewors Man! Help us!” said Hayley.
So, the Smiths and the other family and their dog all ran down the road trying to keep the little man in sight.
As they turned into the next road, they met a fruit seller wearing a blue-patterned doek that covered her pink, plastic curlers. Hayley shouted to her to help them and the fruit seller joined the party chasing the Boerewors Man. Just then the Boerewors Man began to sing:
“They’ll never catch me,
No matter how they try,
I’m too fast for them
As I run by!”
“Hiip! Hiip!” The fruit seller nearly jumped out of her skin as a shaggy brown pony that was pulling a rickety cart came trotting up behind her.
“We’re after that Boerewors Man,” the fruit seller explained to the cart driver.
“You can ride with us in the cart,” he offered.
Next a taxi pulled up on the corner. A dozen people poured out and the driver shouted out the window, “Peninsula Road! Come, come, let’s go!”
Hayley turned round to everyone following her and shouted, “Hurry! Look − a taxi!”
“Please can we ride in your taxi? We are chasing the Boerewors Man!” Hayley told the taxi driver.
“Climb in,” said the driver. “I’ll drive after him!” Everyone piled into the taxi and off they went.
Meanwhile the Boerewors Man began to sing another song:
“Horses and taxis,
People and dogs,
I’m going to get away
From those greedy hogs!”
Soon they all reached Rondevlei. By now, the little Boerewors Man was running a little slower, the pony was pulling a little less fast and the taxi wasn’t swerving around the corners quite so much. But they all still kept going.