When Doctor Shireen started to examine the sick person, she tickled the sick person and the sick person got the giggles and wouldn’t lie still. So Doctor Shireen shouted, “Keep still or I won’t play with you anymore.”

But before Doctor Shireen could get any more cross, Layla’s mother called them for lunch.

“I hope you girls are having a good time,” said Layla’s mother.

“Yes,” said Layla who was about to bite into her yummy roti filled with peanut butter, grated carrots and sultanas. “After lunch we are going to do my puzzle.”

“I don’t want to do your puzzle,” said Shireen.

“But you promised,” said Layla.

“Well, now I don’t want to. I want to do some colouring in,” said Shireen.

By now, Layla was tired of Shireen’s “I-am-the-best-at-everything” talk and cross with her for breaking her promises. Nothing was going to stop her from doing the puzzle. So after lunch, Layla gave Shireen a colouring-in book and some crayons so that Shireen could colour in while she did the puzzle. But there was only one picture left to be coloured in in the colouring-in book and Shireen soon finished it. Then she held it up to show Layla and said, “You’re so slow!”

“That’s because this puzzle is hard,” said Layla.

“I bet I could do it faster than you,” said Shireen.

“Okay,” said Layla, “when I have finished it, you can try doing it and then let’s see!”

“Okay,” said Shireen, “but only if I want to.”

Once Layla had finished the puzzle, she broke it up. She put all the pieces back into the box except for the piece with the eagle’s eye on it. And then she gave the box to Shireen.

“Here you go,” she said, “your turn now.”

“I don’t feel like it,” said Shireen.

“But you promised!” said Layla.

“No, I didn’t!” Shireen shouted. “I said only if I wanted to and I don’t want to.”

“Maybe you don’t want to because you can’t do puzzles,” said Layla.

“I can!” Shireen shouted back. “I’m the best at puzzles!”

“So do it then,” said Layla.

Shireen grabbed the box from Layla. “I will,” said Shireen, “but only if you go and play outside. I’ll call you once I’ve finished it.”