A kind sparrow at once asked her, “Would you like some soft, juicy worms instead? Just a minute…”

Just before it flew off to get her a worm, Samira said, “Worms indeed. No, thank you! I would much rather eat noodles,” and ran to the gate of the school.

A cow was lazily chewing cud just outside and mooed when it saw Samira. “Hello!” it called, “Why aren’t you eating your lunch like all the other children?”

Samira said, “I don’t like parathas. I don’t like vegetables, especially brinjals. I don’t want any lunch.”

“Of course, cooked brinjals aren’t nice at all,” the cow agreed. “Let me bite off some of this grass for you — it is particularly sweet after the rains. You should eat it with the hibiscus bush next to you. You are so lucky. I wish I could get inside this gate.”