Shutting her tiffin box with a bang, Samira went to the school courtyard. A row of ants crawling along the wall said, “Samira, why aren’t you eating your lunch like all the other children?” Samira said, “I don’t like parathas. I don’t like vegetables. I don’t want any lunch.”

“Of course, one cannot eat vegetables,” the ants agreed. They offered her the wing of a cockroach that they were carefully carrying and said, “Now try this, it is really delicious.” “Oh no! I don’t want any horrible cockroaches,” said Samira and ran away to the garden.

Colourful flowers were blooming in the garden and butterflies were flitting from one to the other.

An orange butterfly with black checks and stripes said, “Hello Samira! Why aren’t you eating your lunch like all the other children?”