Syonzola continued drinking and shouting for
help late at night. The villagers continued going
with arrows, spears and machetes to rescue him.
But each time it was the same story. He would only
be teasing them.

Every time Syonzola returned home late,
Musau would be woken by his screams for help.
Musau knew his father’s voice very well. He would
listen as Syonzola moved in the dark until he
reached the door of their house.

One night, Syonzola came home drunk as usual. But
this time, a hyena actually hid near the house.
When he screamed, the hyena fiercely attacked

Syonzola screamed so loudly. But the villagers
said, “We are tired of Syonzola’s tricks.”
They turned over in their beds and went back to