pic 11

…. And in Malu’s home!

pic 12

By sundown, Moidootty and Malu had arranged a feast for Maangasura.

There were mango dishes of every kind – sweet, salty, spicy and savoury. Pickles and Papads! Murabba and Milkshake! Aamras and Aampanna!

It was a feast of mangoes!

Maangasura gorged on everything. He slurped and scrunched and chewed and chuckled his way through plates of delicious food. Nothing was forgotten or wasted.

When Maangasura had finally licked the plates and his fingers clean, he got to his feet and rubbed his hands together.

Then, as a strong breeze whipped through the trees, Maangasura said….

“I’ve had a feud, I’ve had my fun. I’ve even had my food.

In fact I think I may have eaten far more than I should!

The two of you now surely rue the mischief you have brewed,

So here and now this mango-mood I hereby do conclude!”

“Did it work?” cried Moidootty.