Once upon a time, a man and five
animals were going to war together.
They traveled all day until the sun
went down.
“Where are we going to sleep?” asked
“Look, there’s a hut. We can sleep
there,” said Snake

A man and a woman came out. The
man said, “You can sleep here, but we
don’t have food for you.”
“What about the cow outside your
house?” asked Dog. “It’s the only thing
we have. If we kill it, we’ll have
nothing,” the wife said.
Man said, “We will all reward you.
Please kill the cow for us.”

“If you give me its blood, I’ll repay
you,” said Lion. “I’ll reward you if you
give me the bones,” said Dog. “Give
me the fat, you won’t be sorry” said
Snake. “I want the meat under the
skin. I’ll reward you,” said Eagle.
“Let me have the milk,” Man said. “I’ll
give you reward you one day.” “I don’t
want meat. Give me some grass from
your roof,” Donkey said.

The husband and wife killed their cow.
They gave the blood to Lion, the
bones to Dog, the milk to Man, the fat
to Snake, and the meat under the
skin, to Eagle.
Donkey got grass from the roof of the