When Rohan woke up, he began to play with Jimmy, his dog.

“There’s something you should do first!” said Riya, his big sister, “brush your teeth!”


“I don’t want to brush my teeth! Jimmy doesn’t brush his teeth!”

“Animals take care of their teeth too, but in other ways! We must brush our teeth to keep germs away!” his
sister said.


“Germs are very tiny creatures that you cannot see. If you don’t brush properly, they stay in your mouth and hurt you!”


“Yes! That’s why we must take good care of our teeth by brushing twice a day, morning and night!”

“But brushing is no fun!”

“I’ll tell you a secret, Rohan! Psst…”

Rohan smiled.

Mummy called out, “It’s breakfast time!”

“There’s something we should do first!” said Riya, “wash our hands!”


Riya laughed, “He doesn’t use his hands or paws to eat like we do! We must wash our hands with soap to get rid of germs.”

“Are germs on our hands too?”

“Germs are everywhere!”


Tell us: Do you think germs are everywhere?