
One day there was a great famine in the land. No one had anything to eat except the crows.
Each morning they flew a long distance to where there was a tree with ripe figs in the middle of a wide river. Then they flew back with the figs for themselves and their relatives.
The sight of so many figs made Anansi’s mouth water. How could he get them for himself?


He thought of a plan. He carefully covered his bottom with sticky beeswax. Then he took a piece of clay pot and went to see the crows.
β€œPlease could you help me?” he asked. β€œI need a live coal to get my fire going again.” As they were getting the coal from the fire, Anansi carefully sat firmly on one of the largest figs, so that it would stick to his bottom. He thanked the crows, and hurried home to enjoy the fig.