
Soon the snake came out and asked what the argument was. “I was arguing with my wife,” said Anansi. “She says this stick is longer than you are. But I don’t agree.” “Of course I’m longer than that stick!” said the snake. “I’m very long! I’m a huge snake! Just put your stick next to me and measure!”


So Anansi did that, and he tied the snake to the stick with his vine to keep him straight.

When he was all tied up, Anansi took the snake up to heaven.


Nyame had to admit that Anansi had paid his price. So he went to his wooden box, opened the lid, and gave all the stories to Anansi.

Anansi carried the stories triumphantly down to earth. He shared them with his wife, and with all the other animals and people.

Stories are for telling, not for keeping in wooden boxes.