He called out to the hornets, “Hey hornets! Come see! It is raining! Quick get inside my gourd and it will keep all of you dry.” Hornets donβt like to get wet, so they all flew into Anansi’s gourd.
Then Anansi quickly spun a web across the opening so the hornets couldn’t get out no matter how much they buzzed.
He carried them up to heaven and showed them to the Sky God. But Nyame just said, “Where’s the last one?” (He wasn’t laughing so much anymore.)
So Anansi went down to earth again. He thought and thought and he thought, but he couldnβt come up with a plan. So he asked his wife, who had a very good idea.
Together they found a good long thick branch and some strong vines. When they got near the stream where the snake lived, they began to argue. “The branch is longer!” “No, it isnβt!” “Yes it is!”