“Yes,” said Mom. “Wild flowers like to show their faces to the sun, and they like to stay in the ground.”

“Oh,” said Alex.

“Why don’t you draw a picture for Dad for his birthday?” said Mom.

“Good idea,” smiled Alex. He fetched his crayons and some paper to draw a picture for Dad. He drew a house with a red roof. Then he drew a big green tree next to the house. He added a garden path all the way from the front door to the edge of the page, and he drew blue flowers all along the path. He drew the blue sky at the top of the page and also a big yellow sun. Then he drew green grass at the bottom of the page. Finally he drew Dad, Mom and himself standing on the grass.

Then Dad came home from work.

“Happy birthday, Dad,” said Alex and gave him his presents. First he gave Dad the pine nuts. “I love pine nuts,” said Dad.

Next he gave Dad the smooth brown stone. “What a special stone!” said Dad. “I’ll keep it in my pocket for luck!”

Then he gave Dad the drawing. “Oh!” said Dad. “This is our house and our tree and here we are! You, Mom and me. And I really like the blue flowers along the garden path.”

“Those blue flowers are the same blue as the sky,” said Alex.

“Thank you for my birthday presents, Alex,” said Dad, and he gave Alex a big hug. “I think we should plant some wild blue flowers,” said Dad. “We’ll plant them all along our garden path, just like the flowers in your picture.”

“Good idea!” said Alex. “I’ll help you plant them, Dad!”

After supper Mom lit the candles on Dad’s cake. Dad blew them all out in one big whoosh! Alex and Mom sang “Happy Birthday” to Dad.

“I love finding presents for you, Dad,” said Alex with a great big smile.