We’re baking in the sun. We’re still up on the scaffolding but in five minutes we’re going to be down on ground zero drinking ice-cold cokes. Hallelujah! 

We know what we’re going to paint. And we’re going to keep it a secret for now. Oh ok, I’ll give you one clue – we’ll be finished in time for Valentine’s Day and that’s a good thing.

“I’m totally amped for this,” says Nomusa. “Maybe we should phone Panther and run our idea by him before we decide it’s a done deal?”

Deevya shakes her head. 

“No worries – I think we’re on the money with our ideas. Besides, Panther said he was meeting someone so he’s probably busy now.” And then she reveals something we didn’t know in the calmest, most natural voice ever, “Anyway, he’s coming around for supper at my house tonight so I’ll chat to him about it then. If there are any issues we’ll give you a call from there.”

“Oohoooh!!!” Nomu and I croon in delight.

“Oh guys, you’re so pathetic,” says Deevya. “Stop deluding yourself. There is so NOTHING going on with me and Panth. He’s way too old anyway.”

“Oh, so it’s ‘Panth’ now is it?” teases Nomu “No more formal ‘Panther’ for you now that the two of you are so close?”

Deevya waves us away in disgust. 

“Oh forget it. You two have changed since you became smoochers. You look into things and see romance where there isn’t any. Anyway, I’m out of here. Later losers,” she smiles, and with a wave she’s gone.

Nomusa also has to go home. So that just leaves little old me to keep myself busy. I stroll slowly back to Davenport Centre. I keep daydreaming about Zack and by the time I get to the shops downstairs from my block of flats I’ve decided I’m going to go and look for a Valentine’s card for him. 

After I’ve found a good one – one that will make him laugh rather than one of those dire footprints-in-the-beach-sand varieties – I head upstairs to my flat.

I’m surprised to find that my mom is home when I get there.

“Hi darling,” she says, “it’s so hot I’ve taken the afternoon off work. And we’ve had so little time alone together recently. How about you and I go down to the beach for swims and ice-creams?”

That does sound pretty fabulous actually. I’ve already said yes when my phone rings. It’s Zack.

“Hey Hope. I heard you get home,” he says, “How are things?”

I can’t help myself smiling when I hear his voice. 

“Things are all good Zack. What are you up to?” 

“Nothing actually. Do you feel like hooking up?”

I glance at my mum wondering if I should ask her if Zack can come along to the beach with us. But she had said she wanted some time alone with me. And to be honest I’m not sure if I’m quite ready to be hanging with my mom and Zack now that our l.u.r.v.e status has changed. I don’t even feel ready enough to tell my mom that Zack and I are more than friends. 

“Hope? Are you still there?” asks Zack.

“Ohh…yes, I’m here. Listen Zack, I’ve actually already got plans for the afternoon. Maybe tomorrow?”

There’s a long silence on the other end of the phone and then Zack says, “Sure. Why don’t you give me a call if you’re free.”

His voice sounds weird. But before I can ask him what’s up, he’s already said goodbye and put the phone down.

I’ve changed into my bikini and sundress and I’m closing my bedroom window when for the first time it occurs to me that there’s a drainpipe that runs down the side of the building. I can reach it easily from my window. And if I shimmied down it I could reach Zack’s room.

“Why do you have that naughty grin on your face?” asks my mom. 

I hadn’t even heard her come into my room.

“Oh, nothing,” I say breezily. “I’m ready to go to the beach.” 

At the same time I’m thinking that maybe I might see Zack tonight after all.

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Have you ever had a clandestine late night romantic rendezvous?