So what do I do next? While my mind is doing the loop-de-loop backwards at speed an sms rattles my cellphone, which is chilling out on my bedside table. The message is from Zack.

Wanna cum dwnstrs 4 breakfst on our balcony?

I bury my head in my pillow and groan. I stop half way through the groan – what if Zack can hear me? Panic. Confusion. Flashbacks of us kissing. 

This time yesterday I felt totally different about Zack to how I feel about him today. I didn’t really THINK about Zack before. Now I’m doing more than thinking about him. My innocent bod is flooded with memories of what he FEELS like. Yesterday Zack just was. I didn’t even think about him because I didn’t have to – he was just part of the scenery. Now I’m picturing every detail of his face. The way his dark hair falls forward onto his forehead. His dark, smiling eyes beneath sexy eyebrows. Such gorg shoulders. Beautiful hands. His delish lips… Crikey! I get a full body blush from the tips of my toes to the roots of my hair. 

Time to get up! I quickly roll over onto my back, swing my legs out of bed and crash solidly into the wall. Uh…wrong side. The side of the bed I just tried to get out of is right against the wall and has been for over a decade. Try the other side Hope-less. 

Once I’m up I walk straight to my vintage chest of drawers with its dappled old mirror. I peer at my face between all the necklaces I’ve hung on the mirror frame. Do I look different now that I am a kisser? Yes, definitely! No, of course I don’t! Get over yourself Hope. It’s dang hot in here. Time for a cold shower.

I’m so rattled I feel a little bit sick. I don’t think I could tuck into a plate of bacon and eggs if I tried. I’m holding my phone in my hand wondering what to write back to Zack when it beeps again. It’s a message from Nomusa.

Hey Awesomes. That wz quite a nite! Catch up coffee @ NSA in 20 mins? Lots 2 tlk abt!

I deliberate for a few minutes. Zack or The Awesomes? Zack or The Awesomes? Zack or The Awesomes?

And then I make my choice. I write my messages, and push send.