I know just the thing to cheer you up.” Aseye’s voice was cheery and bubbly. She had already filled out her forms and sent them to the University of Ghana. “Sackey says there’s going to be a party at the Imperial Hotel on Saturday. At the poolside. And guess what? Ekow’s going to be there.”

My heart missed a beat. I tried to act normal so instead of asking for details about Ekow I asked, “Who’s Sackey?”

“A friend. You’ll like him.” Translation: Her new boyfriend.

“How do you know Ekow will be there?”

“Sackey and Ekow’s older brother are friends.”

That settled it. I told Pope I was going to spend the day with Aseye. He gave me a bunch of notes and had one of the drivers drop me at the Accra Mall where Aseye and I had arranged to meet. I wore khaki trousers, a white blouse and my Christie Brown bib. I paired everything with high heeled open toe sandals. I’d painted my nails a bright red. I thought I looked understated yet sophisticated.

I almost walked past Aseye. She had hair extensions and long French-tipped nails. She wore a long maxi dress which still somehow managed to show off her figure. On her ears were large silver hoop earrings that I could have thrown a beach ball through. Two small stud earrings adorned the top of each ear lobe.

“Wow. You look beautiful.”

“Tell me something I don’t know,” she said flipping her hair over her shoulder.

I envied her thin body all over again. “Aren’t we late? Shouldn’t we get going?”

“It doesn’t start till seven.”

“Seven? Then when will I get home? I told

Pope I’d be back by eight.” “Why? Are you in JHS?”

“The last trotro to Ada leaves Accra at six. It would get there around eight.”

“I keep forgetting you’re just 16. Just call him and tell him you’re spending the night with me. Now let’s get you something to wear.”

“What’s wrong with this?”

“Seriously? We’re going to a pool party not a safari expedition. You’re overdressed. You just need a pair of shorts and a cool top.”

With Aseye as my guide I got a pair of really short shorts and a V-necked tank top that showed more cleavage than I was comfortable with. We had our nails, eyelash extensions and hair done in one of the shops. Aseye offered to pay for everything.

“Has your dad got a job?”

Aseye’s dad had been an administrator in one of the mining companies. A year ago he’d been laid off. To the best of my knowledge he still hadn’t found a job. Aseye’s mother worked as a nurse. To make ends meet she worked in a government hospital during the day and worked at a private hospital at night and on her off-days.

She was hardly ever home.

“No, he’s still searching.”

“Then where did you get all that money from?”

She winked at me and said, “Ask me no questions. I’ll tell you no lies.”

We went to the Silverbird cinema to while away time. I couldn’t concentrate on the movie. I just kept thinking of Ekow.

“Will the boys pick us up at your house?” I asked when the movie ended.

“My house? Are you crazy? My father thinks I’m spending the weekend with you.”

At 6:30 p.m. we went to the washroom where I changed into my outfit. I took my bib off because Aseye said it clashed with the outfit. Less was supposed to be more for these events. She took off her long maxi dress to reveal a pair of shorts that were even shorter than mine and a see-through blouse. She wore a red lace bra under her top.

“I feel exposed.”

Aseye was applying mascara to her eyelashes. She looked at me in the mirror. “You do want Ekow to notice you, don’t you?”

I nodded.

“You have to use what you have to get what you want. Now stand still while I freshen your make-up.”

When she was done with me I looked older than eighteen. What was more I felt alive. We were still in the washroom when Aseye got a call. Sackey had arrived. The time was fifteen minutes to eight. I followed Aseye’s lead as she led the way out. I could feel eyes on us as we walked out.

Guys were openly staring. Women were trying not to stare.

Use what you have to get what you want. I swung my hips. I held my head up high. O how I wished

I’d had hair extensions fixed so I could flip my hair the way Aseye flipped hers.