So I’m grounded and they’re taking everything, my phone, my Tablet and my rights as a teenager. I must abide to a curfew if I’m to get them back. This totally sucks but I can deal. I’ll need to find a way to get a message to Sebastian coz I know he’ll call. Can’t tell him I’ve been grounded, like how lame would that be?

So now I’m practising writing by hand, it’s pathetic. I have to find a way to get the weasel to let me use his computer. Mom already told him to tell on me. What a joke.

I got home around 4 a.m. last night and slept like I was dead. She tried to shout at me when I came in, I didn’t even sneak in. I staggered noisily without a care. What pisses her off is that I seemed fine and had no remorse for what I did.

How can one be bothered with gadgets when all one can think about is that lingering kiss from Sebastian’s soft lips. I’ve never been kissed like that. It was heavenly, totally out of this world. The music and the band were great but I was lost in his green eyes to even take note of everything.

I met some totally wicked people and had a blast of a night. Never have I ever had so much fun. It was totally different from what I’m used to. The rave clubs, the lights, the heels. This was a new experience. I don’t know why I didn’t do pubs to begin with. I’m totally converted.

My hand is getting cramps.

ZZ xxx