To my mothers*, I am forever grateful to God for the love, care and support you gave me when I was young and helpless. You first received me with joy and warmth—irrespective of the conditions around my arrival. You blessed me and nurtured me for the fulfillment of a predestination. You saw something in me from day one. The name you gave me tells it all. Everything you did was for the fulfillment of God’s purpose for me.
You laid a foundation so strong; nothing has succeeded to destroy it. You were staunch believers in the Word of God that said, “Bring a child in the way that will remain his or hers when he or she is grown.” You did just that; you opened my eyes to the presence and unconditional love of God, Jehovah in Christ, Jesus our Saviour.
The way you brought and raised me has remained my way and has remained the cornerstone of my life. Without it, I would have perished in one way or another.
I have survived many storms. Torrents have tried to sweep me down, but God’s grace and the way have preserved me. Like an almost written-off car, I was nearly written off, but the power of the way has kept me sure-footed.
The amazing power of redemption – this redeeming grace – made our paths cross through biology. I was conceived by my mother, although my father never owned up. You three became a Godly chain that led me through the way. Through your steadfastness, I learned to be resilient. I learnt integrity, humility, honesty and love. Above all, I learnt the Wisdom of God and the fear of the Almighty God Jehovah in Christ Jesus, my Saviour, my Redeemer and our Emmanuel.
Even though I was denied by my human father, you three showed me love, you embraced me from day one and loved me unconditionally. I can still feel the warmth of your love and care, even today.
When I reflect on my youthful days, I do so with a smile. Yet, there is still pain from loss, such that I feel the tears gathering in my eyes as I think about you and wonder if I ever returned such a good favour. The only consolation I have is the abundance of God’s love and His fulfilment of His promises:
“Those who died in Christ will have eternal life.”
I trust that on the day of resurrection, the three of you shall be raised to the eternal life in the presence of God, our Father and Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, Saviour and Advocate.
This hope exonerates me from all guilt and self-blame.
I have blundered many times in my life, but the way of Grace and the pardon you showed me has saved me from drowning and perishing. My mere existence today is a testament to the Grace and Mercy of the way you brought me up.
I am still clinging to that way. I, too, have brought up my children according to the way that will become theirs when they are old. God will do the rest.
If it weren’t for the right way you brought me up, I would have been long gone and ended in complete and utter doom. But the grace of the way saved me from calamity. That is why I am forever grateful. The Saving Grace of the way. He redeemed me from the depths of death and awakened me to the endless possibilities of the Kingdom of God and to the coming eternal joy in the presence of the Father and the Son.
I am forever grateful and indebted to my three mothers—the three sisters—who among themselves had amazing power and respect for each other. Who has really had three committed mothers in their life? Unbelievable, but I did. Each of them played a pivotal role in my life that cannot be compared to anything.
Without your selfishness and devotion, I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. I would not be where I am today.
This is my innermost expression of gratitude and humility to God Almighty, Jehovah in Christ Jesus, for blessing and gracing my life with your presence. Your footprints are still observable and felt remarkably so, until today. Not only by me, but by all those that you touched, influenced and loved. Generations to come, we will still benefit from those footprints.
You were women of substance, ladies with a mission to love, touch and embrace others in order to make a difference—to impact remarkable, positive change on this world, our world. I am forever grateful for everything you have done.
Your child, you may be gone, but your spirit lives. It’s me,
*Reader’s Note:
My three mothers were Adelaid Totoma Ka Mkhaliphi Mathomsi (Umamkhulu),
Ellah Ka Mkhaliphi (Aunt) and Emmah Nontombi Ka Mkhaliphi (Umama wami)