Written by Leila Green, Fulbright English Teaching Assistant

On 1 February 2016, I was introduced to the wonderful learners of Sithengile Secondary School. I will never forget this day. Specifically, I will never forget the looks on all the learners’ faces as I saw them for the first time at the morning assembly. Some faces were confused, some were tired and some were very joyful. However, almost all of the faces were eager. Everyone wanted to learn, which is something that you don’t see so much in America. I was surprised. From that day onward, I knew that Sithengile was a place where young people were eager to learn, eager to ask questions and eager to express themselves. I knew it was a place where greatness could happen.

I have been blessed to have the chance to work with amazing learners that love to express themselves creatively. Through starting the Creative Writing Club and getting to know many other talented writers, I have had the privilege to encounter extremely diligent, hardworking, positive and creative young people. The 25 learners in this book, specifically, totally wowed me with their talent and their dedication to writing. We began working on this project in April 2016, just five months ago. Through every step of the journey of writing, editing and compiling these stories and poems, they have been examples of great character and true academic excellence. These learners took the time to write, even when they did not have time. They took time to read, even when they did not want to. They took time to attend weekly Creative Writing Club meetings—staying hours after school and even coming on Saturdays and during School Holidays—just because they cared so much. So, I would like to thank the Sithengile Creative Writing Club for their perseverance and their hard work. Thank you so much. I have loved working with you all and I am going to miss you more than you can imagine. All of you are tremendously talented and insightful and each of you have the potential to be great. I ensure you that this is only the first of many books that all of you wonderful young people will appear in.

Additionally, I would like to thank the educators that helped make this book possible. Thank you, Mrs. Biyela, for supporting the Writing Club and for being Caroline and I’s “South African mother.” Even though you are always very busy, you always take the time to support us. Your dedication to the learners is truly inspirational. Thanks for being a beacon of light and a force of intelligence and strength. Thank you, Mrs. Griffiths, for your support and for embracing me to join in on the poetry activities of Sithengile. Your dedication to the arts and to the learners does not go unnoticed. Thank you, Mrs. Nhassengo, for your infectious joy, your endless support, your keen insights and your dedication to the school. Thank you for opening the library to us and for being so kind and encouraging our activities with such warmth. Thank you to my site partner, Caroline Parker, for discovering new talent, for supporting the learners and for being so dedicated to everyone. I would also like to thank the English teachers at Sithengile: Ms. Nene, Mrs. Biyela, Mr. Sithole, Mr. Sosibo, Ms. Zwane and Mr. Nzimande. Thank you for your dedication to teaching English. Without your expertise, these learners would not have the skills to write what they have written. Thanks, particularly, to Mr. Nzimande for your endless support, faith, good humor and positivity. Thank you to all of the teachers at the school. Thank you, Mr. Zulu, for supporting the Winter Creative Writing Camp that allowed learners to improve their writing skills. Finally, thank you, Mr. Thusi, for being such a force and inspiration for the whole school. Your support of this project was deeply appreciated, as well as your feedback. Thank you for being the leader of a school with such rich talent and such a firm commitment to excellence.

On 28 October 2016, I will leave Sithengile and shortly after that I will leave South Africa. My suitcases will be filled with my belongings, but my heart will be filled with memories of and love for you all. It has been a true blessing to be at Sithengile and to work with such beautiful, talented and inspirational young people. Please keep in touch and please continue the Creative Writing Club. I still want to support you all. My hope is that you all continue to write, continue to express yourselves and, ultimately, continue to be eager. You should always be on a quest for knowledge. It was that quality that allowed you to come so far, and it is the quality that will usher you into a lifetime of success.