The textbook lies open on the table I use for studying. It’s at night and the study lamp glows a bright yellow onto the white pages of my note book. My favourite pen, the one I use for writing notes only, lies on top of the book – waiting for me.

I have a huge mammoth task ahead of me.

Two hours ago, I decided that I should study – I have eight chapters of boring Film History to wade through. I still don’t understand why we’ve spent the past three months focusing on European Film History. The textbook, which has 780 pages in total, is as heavy as corpse. And I have to study at least 180 pages before Friday and summarise it for presentations. It’s tedious, boring work, if you ask me.

I’m bored. If this wasn’t for marks, I wouldn’t be doing it. But, oh well, I have no other choice but to do it or forfeit the marks. It’s funny how much crap we have to put up with in the name of marks. I mean, the whole 8 chapters have nothing I find interesting enough to actually want to spend my time summarising. It’s just not interesting.

My phone is more interesting. I surf the net and read articles I find interesting.

“Discipline, Zinzi, discipline is everything if you actually want to pass!” I remind myself time and again.

“Okay, just read one last article.” The devil inside my head tells me. But one becomes many; a link leads to another.

A WhatsApp message pops up. I log in and respond to it and other messages that I hadn’t responded too. I don’t really like it, so I don’t stay long there. Instead, I click on the widget for Candy Crush and play until I lose all my lives.

When I look at the time, at least three-and-a-half hours have passed. I look at the book again, still lying on the table, untouched. My stomach groans.

I yawn.

I’m hungry plus I’m sleepy – so I decide I will touch the textbook tomorrow. I prepare a quick snack and then head off to bed. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be motivated to do my school work… Hopefully!!!

ZZ xx