Today, young people view the term ‘side hustle’ not just as a trend but almost as a rite of passage. It’s less about working ourselves to the bone and more about creating a safety net, a mixed bag of skills and jobs. It’s smart, it’s strategic, and honestly, it’s exciting.

Many young people are balancing more than just classes and grades. For instance, take Lethabo, a fellow 21-year-old who’s managing calls during the week and mixing drinks on weekends. His goal isn’t to overwork himself but to build a sustainable life that blends work and play effectively.

Phozisa, 25, stands guard by day and styles hair by night, seamlessly integrating her job with her passion. Her double-duty work life isn’t a hustle; it’s a clever fusion of her abilities, offering financial stability without overshadowing her primary responsibilities.
The side job is a tricky but manageable partner for those of us with textbooks still in hand. Here’s how I keep my act together:

Prioritise: School assignments and exams come before anything else.
Choose Flexibly: Side jobs must adapt to my academic schedule, not vice versa.
Set Boundaries: I’ve learned that overcommitting is a one-way ticket to Burnout City.
Invest Wisely: The extra income? It’s not for splurging. It’s for saving or making moves towards future financial freedom.

Stheni’s hustle, selling beauty products while juggling cleaning jobs and university, isn’t just admirable—it’s inspiring. And then there’s Ernest, who pivots from the classroom to the club, balancing his role as an assistant teacher with his passion for DJing.

But it’s not just students. A woman I know, Zodwa, spotted a golden opportunity while working as a cleaner at a hospital. She started selling scones to hungry patients and busy doctors during their breaks. With an early start to her day, she taps into the morning rush, her scones offering a comforting start to their day. The income from her baked goods is more than just pocket money; it’s funding her home extension, all without putting a strain on her monthly budget.

With these stories in mind, we’re not just preparing for the unexpected. We’re building diverse and resilient careers, equipped to weather whatever comes our way. It’s not about side hustling until we drop; it’s about finding a sustainable pace for our multifaceted ambitions.

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