We all know what Facebook and other social media platforms are like – the good and the bad points. No doubt, these platforms are a fun and great way to stay in touch with friends and family, but it is important to remember that not all that glitters is gold.
Facebook is the perfect example when it comes to social media and the unprecedented reactions it can illicit. You are hardly going to post a photo of your crying face (make up smudged and all) after you have had a fight with your boyfriend, are you? You would, however, post a photo of you and the boyfriend smiling at a party, or ‘check in’ at a cool restaurant together.
It is on this basis that we must realise that all the things we see posted on social media by our friends are going to be of all the good, positive things happening in their lives. Do not fall into the trap of comparing your life with someone else’s, simply by what is posted on social media. Do not use someone else’s ‘life’ as a yard stick for yours. Remember this: there are times when people are looking at your Facebook page thinking, ‘she’s got the life’.
I personally have been going through what you call a KAK time. I found myself posting photos of myself on Facebook that I would not normally – me in a swimsuit, me (15 years later) still fitting my matric ball gown. I realise (too late!) that I was looking for affirmation (good feels) from bloody Facebook, of all places. Once I realised what I was doing – looking for ‘attention’ but more looking for an ego boost – I stopped that right in its tracks.
Facebook, or any social media for that matter, is not the place to look for affirmations. It is superficial and surface level. It is not sustainable, and quite honestly everyone knows exactly what you are doing.
So where does one get their kicks? How do we make ourselves feel better if we are not having a good time in our life right now? GET YOUR KICKS from within. The only person that can make you feel good about yourself, like TRULY good, is yourself.
Yes sure, people can pay you compliments and that can leave you feeling good, but STAYING good is up to you. Get your kicks from trying something new, from having the courage to speak to that person you always wanted to. Be kind to yourself, be kind to others. And remember, when you feel good, you look good.
Written by Six Like Dice