For the past decade, more and more schools have been changing school uniforms to more modern casual styles. Nowadays at some schools you can wear the clothes you wear at home to school, or a custom made casual outfit that’s considered a school uniform. Mostly that’s happening at rich, private schools.

Why should you wear a school uniform though? I mean, a shirt, blazer, tie, shiny formal school shoes and a dress may not be my idea of a fashionable or comfortable outfit, but it is what I and many other students were required to wear in order to attend school. I do understand that it is part of the etiquette of looking neat and presentable, that it instils pride in students, and gives a sense of belonging and school spirit. Those are the values you take away with you when you leave school and enter the adult and working world.

However uniforms also make me feel that school children are being trained to be factory workers (the desks in a row, pitching up to school on time and getting detention if your shirt’s not tucked in). Everyone has to be the same; no-one should stand out.

A friend and I had a debate around this issue. My friend believes that wearing a school uniform protects you from being bullied or made to feel like an outsider. And when everyone is dressed the same, peer pressure lessens because no one is really paying attention to what you’re wearing.

I, however, believe that bullying occurs whether you’re wearing a school uniform or not. I feel like in this day and age, the school uniform denies students/learner’s right to freedom of expression and individuality. I’m not saying you should pitch up to school in the shortest skirt you have in your wardrobe (some school uniforms or skirts are that short). I bet you know how to express yourself through your clothes but in a manner that your mother would approve of.

I can hear some of you saying “who can afford to wear a different outfit to school every day if you’re already struggling with the challenges of poverty?” I get you, I don’t expect all schools to conform to my idea of school uniforms, and I know there are already schools that don’t have study materials or necessities such as desks, electricity, clean running water and windows. All I’m saying is that schools and the Department of Education should take their students’ opinions into consideration when talking about school uniforms.

Although school uniforms cost less money than an entire wardrobe of fashionable clothes, some school uniforms costs half of what an entire fashionable wardrobe costs. Have you seen a school uniform sale anywhere? No. Like so many other “need to talk about” topics when it comes to schooling institutions, school uniforms should also be included in that bracket.

Written by Veronica Boyi

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