If there is one thing that I love to do or invest in is natural products for my skin. I love taking care of my skin because it’s one of those things you just can’t leave without. And it also affects your mood and self-esteem, so why not invest in making it look beautiful.
This week I will be sharing with you some really helpful tips that you can use to make your skin look flawless. I have done some beauty tips previously and also a blog on using lemons as a beauty enhancer, however this week’s tips we will talk about oranges, eggs, honey and many more. Yes, we are digging deep into our fruits and veg baskets and finding new ways to use them to help our skin look and feel better.
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Tip 1: Banana and Egg hair treatment
My first thought was eww!! But actually it works, it might not smell or look yummy but your hair will love it. Simply mix one egg and a mashed banana together, then apply it to your hair, leave it in for about 10 – 30 minutes. Wash it out as you normally do and condition the ends. This tip is sure to give your hair a shine finish and beautiful looking hair.
Tip 2: Honey face mask
I’m sure you have heard people say that honey is good for you and if you haven’t well it is. But it’s even better for your skin when applied directly. For this tip you need to use Raw Honey, not the stuff you get in super markets, meant for waffles. If your local store doesn’t have it, then visit an organic health shop as they tend to have the best quality honey. You take a tablespoon of honey and put it on your fingers and rub together to warm it up. Then apply it to your face and leave it on for about 5 – 10 minutes. Repeat this treatment weekly for even better, smoother skin.
Tip 3: Skin Brightener and Exfoliator
Remember the blog ‘When life gives you lemons’? For those who read it they know how rubbing lemon on your elbows and knees is good for you. Well you can do the same process but this time using an orange. Oranges and lemons are very high in acid and also have vitamin C which prevents damage to cells and reduces inflammation, which lowers the risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease and arthritis. They also support the immune system, not just as an antioxidant, but also by stimulating the production of white blood cells. This is good inside your body but also by rubbing an orange or lemon on your skin, it acts as a smoothing agent to reduce the rough patches that occur over time. (Remember to wash it off after you have done it).
Tip 4: Toxic-Free Shaving Cream
For those of you who are hairy including myself, you know we always need to shave. But there is an even better way to shave without using harmful products that will end up either turning your skin darker or permanently damaging it and that is by using Coconut oil. Instead of applying shaving cream on your legs, underarms and wherever else, use coconut oil after bathing, because the warm water has already opened up the hair follicles making the shaving process easier. Don’t forget to use a sharp razor and for a smoother skin, you can scrub your body before shaving so that it opens up more.
Tip 5: Body Scrub
For a more gentile, soft skin, take olive oil and sea salt mixed together and rub it onto your skin. This process helps to get rid of dead skin cells creating softer, more glowing skin. So don’t be afraid to try it.
Lastly, drink as much water as you can because it’s the one thing that will always help your skin stay hydrated and looking good. If you found these tips helpful then please let me know and share some of your own natural tips. Be naturally Trendi
Written by Phoebe Sibomana
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