I sat with my little brother Golekane Malata, 14 who on countless times has been punished for bad behaviour.

You were once a bully why did you do it and why did you stop?

I used to hit and take other children’s money because I didn’t have any. Then I would use the money to gamble and buy Kota. I stopped when they reprimanded me at school and realized it was the wrong thing to do.

What made you gamble at school?

I learnt rolling dice from my friend and began loving to play. When I saw how much money was there, I got addicted to playing and have luck to win.

How did you learn to lie so good? What was the biggest lie?

I realize that when I lie people trust me so I started doing it often. The biggest was when I wanted to forcefully take money from another student and kicked him. He went to report me but I denied ever knowing him.

You were punished for many things before what was the worst?

It was at Primary, I had bunked class when the deputy principal caught me walking around. He made me clean all six grade 7 classrooms after school.

Who is the least teacher you like and why?

Afrikaans teacher, she doesn’t respect and accuses us of things we never did that we end up getting punished.

What subject do you like and why?

Creative Arts, our teacher speak with us with care so it makes the class enjoyable, I actually write in there. I’m Sir Chaa’s favorite so he always sends me when he needs something.

How did you feel when you were accused of selling drugs?

I was going mad. I’m that person who is sensitive so it made me angry. Everyone ganged up on me, accusing me that I did it due to my habit of lying.

Do you think you are misunderstood?

Yes, I live an excluded life of my own as it keeps me from comparing my lifestyle with others but my brother does since he talks with me patiently.

If you were to be suspended at school, what would it be for?

It definitely will be for bunking and bad behaviour since I like to trouble other learners.

The most mischievous thing you ever did at school?

We went to school with hookah pens on heritage day -which was planned a day before‐ when the teacher was there and she took us to the office. They called the police whom arrived a day later and we got corporal punishment.

Why do you do things you know are wrong?

I have stopped some of them. It’s my way to fun and I enjoy it except for the part when I’m getting beaten.

During break time at school what do you do?

I eat and hustle by going to my girl friends for money. If I’m with my friends we go around picking on other children by eating their lunch.

How do you catch up with your schoolwork?

They supply me with notes and I copy them when I’m in another class or sometimes my friend writes for me.

Would you agree to go to “stout school.”?

If I was in the wrong I would admit it and go. It might happen that when I’m there maybe I might change.

Do you think your parents are to be blamed for you bad behaviour? And why?

They don’t care for their words when they reprimand me. My father hits which puts pressure on me, eventually it makes me take out my stress on other children at school.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A business man because I want people to work for me instead of the other way around.

Do you think your love for money is influenced by growing up from a low class family?

No, they do give me money. It’s out of my own greed.

What advice would you give to other teens who misbehave like you?

I would tell them of my experience of how I was punished. I would also tell them to stop because things can escalate quickly similarly to when the police were called on us.

What’s one thing people don’t know about you?

I stopped gambling. My friends would invite me to roll with them but I would refuse without telling them why.