It is every – African – girl’s dream to grow their hair long and healthy. For decades, African girls have been suffering at the hands of harmful relaxers and high-tension hairstyles all in a bid to grow their hair at least past shoulder length but risking irreparable damage in the process. What if I told you, you could grow those edges back and retain length in a healthy, non-pocket-breaking way? Try these amazing Ayurvedic plants and find out for yourself!

Aloe vera
Aloe vera is packed with vitamins like Vitamin A, C and E, and other necessary nutrients. It has healing properties which help soothe irritated and itchy scalps by protecting them from losing moisture.
Also known as Indian Gooseberry, is packed with Vitamin C and fibre, which aids in preventing hair thinning and premature hair greying. Amla prevents dandruff and strengthens hair follicles by promoting blood circulation in the scalp – a necessary element in hair growth.
A herb that is rich in Vitamin K and electrolytes which promote blood circulation in the scalp, thus improving its health and reducing dandruff.
Curry leaves
Curry leaves contain protein and other antioxidants which reduce dandruff thus preventing hair fallout and premature greying of the hair.
Also known as Methi, is packed with nutrients that include protein, calcium and folic acid, which smooths out the texture of dry and brittle hair by thickening it and adding shine to it.
Hibiscus contains keratin which deeply nourishes the hair and scalp. This promotes the regrowth of the hair and helps prevent hair falling out.
Moringa leaves
These leaves are packed with vitamins and other nutrients which help reduce dandruff and strengthen hair follicles by conditioning dry hair.
Contains antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties which help prevent infections by maintaining a healthy scalp. This also helps strengthen the hair follicles.
Other Ayurvedic herbs include:
Cloves, which strengthen the hair follicles thus promoting the growth of hair which will make it thicker.
Flaxseeds, which promotes hair growth and hair health. Flaxseeds are also very great in retaining the texture of the hair.
Rosemary, which promotes and stimulates the circulation of blood in the scalp. As we know now, this is necessary for hair growth.

I know it is said that beauty is hard work, but that does not mean that you have to sacrifice your peace and health to achieve said beauty. The beauty of Ayurvedic hair treatment is that it has been practiced for centuries (so we know it works) and that you can grow the herbs in your very own garden. Now you no longer have to break your pockets trying to achieve healthy long hair. Talk about holistic healing!

Tell us: Have you tried growing herbs to promote the health of your body – inside and out? If yes, have you had any success with it?