In Johannesburg:
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)
5th Floor Royal Place
85 Eloff Street (cnr Kerk)
(PO Box 6690 Johannesburg 2001)

Tel: (011) 333 0980
Fax: (011) 333 0119

In Pretoria:
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)
485 Madiba Street (near cnr Beatrix)
Arcadia 0002
(PO Box 3731 Pretoria 0001)

Tel: (012) 323 3116
Fax: (012) 323 3887

Hours for assessment / consultation
Health, vocational skills and small business sectors: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 08.30 to 12:00
Emergency assistance: Monday, Thursday 08.30 to 12:00

In all categories of assistance JRS gives priority to the following:
• Refugees and asylum seekers who have been in South Africa for less than two years; and
• Refugees and asylum seekers from vulnerable groups such as people with serious chronic illnesses, people with disabilities, vulnerable children, etc.

Emergency Assistance:
Emergency assistance can include assistance regarding shelter and food vouchers, depending on the outcome of the individual assessment. JRS assists new comers, unaccompanied minors, victims of xenophobia, vulnerable people, emergency cases, people living with disabilities and those with medical, educational and social needs. A full assessment of your situation will be conducted by JRS.

Education Assistance
It is the responsibility of parents to secure their children’s enrolment in school. JRS may assist to obtain fee exemption where the family qualifies, but requires the family’s cooperation in this.

In a small number of cases JRS may assist you with partial fee support, provision of stationary and transport fare support, subject to an assessment. This assessment is based on your employment status as a parent, income and length of stay in South Africa, as well as the priorities for assistance.

JRS does not provide fee assistance for children attending private schools.

All financial support towards your child’s education is paid directly to the school or supplier.

Health and Care
Assistance will be given to needy refugees / asylum seekers to access their right to free medical treatment in a public clinic or hospital. JRS will also refer patients to dental clinics and for eye tests and/ or spectacles.

JRS will subsidise the payment of spectacles in specific circumstances only.

In exceptional circumstances and always by arrangement made in advance, JRS will support the purchase of medication and payment of medical fees. JRS will not take responsibility for, nor reimburse payments already made or commitments already entered into.

In an emergency please go directly to a private clinic (not hospital) and ask them to contact JRS at the telephone numbers listed above before incurring any fees.

Vocational Skills Training
Subject to assessment, JRS may assist suitable refugees and asylum seekers with vocational skills training. Candidates are interviewed and assessed. If successful, the JRS officer will work with you to develop an agreed training and employment plan.

JRS may provide partial or total fee support with selected institutions but will not provide support for transport or other expenses incurred while doing the course. Any support given is for short vocational courses only and those leading to the possibility of employment.

As well as the general priority groups JRS gives additional priority here to vulnerable youth and to people with disabilities.
JRS will not support applications for security guard training or driving at present.

English Language Training
JRS provides for beginner and intermediate language training of three months duration, 4 hours per week, for refugees and asylum seekers who have been in South Africa for less than two years. Applications can be made at the offices in both Pretoria and Johannesburg.

International Qualifications
JRS will assist a limited number of asylum seekers and refugees in obtaining international qualification equivalence in South Africa. Please contact our offices in Johannesburg and Pretoria for more information.

Small Business Plans
JRS may, subject to assessment, assist asylum seekers and refugees in becoming self-sustaining through setting up their own small business. Candidates will be assessed and successful candidates will be asked to submit or will be helped in developing a business proposal. This will be evaluated to check how practical and sustainable it will be and terms and conditions of assistance will be agreed on.
All applications will be subject to site monitoring visits with an evaluation to take place at 3 and 6 months.

As well as our general priority groups JRS will in this sector also give preference to applications from groups rather than individuals.

JRS will not guarantee further assistance for businesses already set up.

Please understand that the numbers of people given assistance is limited to available funding.

Funeral assistance
JRS will, after an assessment, contribute a specified amount of money towards a funeral.

Make sure you have the following documents when you approach JRS for assistance:

1) Death certificate of the deceased;
2) Section 22 or 24 Permit of the deceased; and
3) Section 22 or 24 Permit of the applicant.

Please be aware that JRS is not in a position to assist with the return of the deceased back to their country of origin.