The internet is a treasure house of information – if you can find it. A few tips:

You do not need full sentences or precise grammar in the search box. “Airport Durban” will get you the result you’re looking for.

When choosing your search words, think of words that will be in the article/s you’re looking for. “Dates Second World War” may not give you your answer – rather use “Second World War started in”, or ask the question, “When did the Second World War start?”

Narrow it down. In Covid research, “Delta variant” will get you a flood of articles. “Delta variant vaccines” is more specific; “Delta variant vaccine effectiveness” even more.

Look for trails that lead from one article to another. “Delta variant vaccine effectiveness” will probably throw up articles with the name of Prof. Salim Abdool Karim and the institute where he works. You could search either of those to lead you further.