In many municipalities, officials have adopted their own rules / bylaws that demand protesters to do extra things before allowing a protest to go ahead, which are not part of the Gatherings Act.

The Gatherings Act does not require you to do the following things:

  • Get a letter of permission from the local councillor or traditional authority, or a confirmation letter from the body that you are protesting against
  • Pay a fee to get approval for the protest, or pay a deposit or sign an indemnity in case of property damage.
  • Express your concerns or demands through a different avenue than a protest – e.g. by being called to a meeting with the municipal manager or councillor.
  • The authorities DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to make people jump through extra hoops or even pay a fee before they exercise their right to protest! If you face any of these restrictions, get in touch with a lawyer or other comrades who can give advice. In some areas, local R2K structures are even campaigning against these practices because they are an attack on our right to protest!