It was 2009 when I first saw her. I was doing grade 10 and she was in grade 9. Jurity was the most beautiful girl at my school. I will marry her one day, I thought to myself. I was a young boy at that time. I believed in Shakespeare’s story of Romeo and Juliet. I believed in true love.

If I would’ve proposed her then we may not have lasted, as we were immature. I then vowed that I will not date a girl except Jurity, the girl of my dreams. In fact she was every man’s dream.

I had promised myself that I will propose her when she was in Grade 12. In 2011 I failed my Grade 11. She had passed her Grade 10. We were now in the same class. I wanted to impress her so much. I started to study harder just to impress her. I became one of the best learners in Grade 11 that year. I even took position one in 3rd term.

We both passed to Grade 12 with flying colours. It was now the time of the year that I have been waiting for all this time. It is finally the right time to propose her, I thought to myself. We became closer than before.

At that moment she liked me as much as I liked her. I never went to bed without thinking about her. I guessed even she couldn’t go to bed without thinking about me. We enjoyed each other’s company. We spent our time together during breaks, sometimes we ate together at break.

So in June we decided to start a study group. Our study group consisted of four people, two males and two females. Jurity and I we were the top learners in Grade 12 so we were trying to help others.

As time went on our classmates started to call us Romeo and Juliet because we were looking good together as if we were Romeo and Juliet. We were not dating at that moment.

One day they selected us to go and represent our school in Nkowankowa for Maths and Science. And I know that my chance had come.


Tell us what you think: Will the have the nerve to ask out the girl of his dreams? Do you think he stands a chance?