People talk about change and working within the system to achieve that. The problem with that is it’s not you who changes the system, it’s the system that will eventually change you! And there is usually nothing wrong with compromising in a situation but compromising yourself is another story completely. May God grant us the serenity to accept things we cannot change, give us courage to change things we can and the wisdom to know the difference.
If there are dreams about a beautiful South Africa, there are roads that lead to their goals. Two of these roads could be named goodness and forgiveness. No one is born hating another man because of the colour of their skin, or his background, or his religion. People must be taught to hate.
There are certain standards for every subject, a collection of lessons that the teachers require to teach by the end of the term. But the greatest lessons you will ever teach us will not come from the syllabus. The greatest lessons you’ll ever teach us you will not even remember.
There are things missing from our history books. They teach us what they want us to learn and it is incomplete. This drops knowledge so heavily that it leaves the world unbalanced. They say that a man is not a man till he dies, because that’s when the truth comes out. Behind their smiling faces lay words that are unsaid. The question is, do we have to kill them to know the truth? We cannot allow history to be written by the wicked, greedy and loony. But we are taught that it is better to be silent than to make them uncomfortable.
The question raised by people was a vital one, who is the black person to settle in South Africa and when did they settle? No one knows. Who is the first white person to settle in South Africa? Jan van Riebeeck.
The foothold established by Jan van Riebeeck, following his arrival with three ships on 6th April 1652, was usually taken in Afrikaner accounts to be the start of the history of South Africa. Only in South Africa the greatest lessons are the ones you don’t remember. I am from a black race and I know exactly what I’m talking about.
I am not against whites, no. I am against what people are taught; how to react to one another. If someone punches you on the face it’s not because you are black, white, coloured, etc. No, he punched you because you did something wrong to them. I’m a rugby player from a developing kasi team and most of the time we play against white teams and most games, the referee might be white. The problem starts when we play against developed teams and the referee already chose a side.
It happens everywhere. It reminds me of a football game; Morocco playing against Portugal and the ref was not fair to Morocco. Let’s go back to rugby. Some of the referees ref accordingly, but because of their colour we might think they’re against us, even if we are doing those mistakes. But others are still stuck in the past. For instance, 2018 when we were playing against Dragons the referee said, “Even if you do everything right, I will not ref fair because your skin is different from theirs.”
Tell us: Have you experienced racism? What happened?