When Nombuso was in her room she thought about the conversation she had with Lolo earlier. She then thought about her boyfriend, trying to figure out if he was really the perfect guy for her. She admired him for being a gentleman and the effort he put into their relationship, even though boys always had something else on the side that they admire the most, like soccer and music, how can love be perfect?
The only person she had to answer that question was herself. She looked at the roof, searching for answers, she continued with her thoughts and answered herself. In today’s world catching feelings is seen as being weak. We get into flings that don’t even last for a week, it’s only no strings attached type of relationships, even friendships have turned into being with benefits, with benefits I mean penetration, like repetitive penetration and it’s seen as a normal thing. Have we lost hope in finding the perfect love?
She asked herself and continued to answer herself, now everyone is getting their heart broken with the hope of finding the perfect one. No matter how many times one’s heart is broken they heal after some time. Time heals every wound, I would hold on to someone expressing unconditional love to me, I would stick by them and cherish them for being my one true love, in such a tempting world, because this is how perfect love should be, it should be about cherishing the ones you love. She kept torturing herself with questions and answers, she was the kind of girl who would look for a perfect answer in every conversation she had and that’s why she was very good with debate.
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