Lolo went to the kitchen to prepare something for them to eat. She dished up for them when the food was ready. She took out her mother’s best plates, they looked like those VIP plates on TV, they were wild and white, one could tell it was for special occasions, like family gatherings, birthdays and Christmas day. She came out of the kitchen holding a big white tray with two plates and two glasses along with a two litre coke.

“Do you really have to treat me like a VIP? I’m your friend Bathong not your boyfriend. Look now you look like a waiter,” Nombuso said while trying to help her with the tray that looked very heavy, “I just got here and I’m already getting food.” Nombuso never stopped talking.

“I want you to be full because we have a lot to catch up on and you’ll be doing most of the talking,” Lolo said as they both laughed.

“You still love gossiping I can see and I still never say no to food,” Nombuso said, they both laughed.

It was a beautiful day for both of them I mean there was nothing better than laughing even the doctors could testify to that, and it’s healthy too. They couldn’t stop looking at each other, they were both grown and beautiful.

“Tell me Soh how is Gauteng treating you? I heard being there is more like being overseas?” Lolo asked.

“Don’t you know that people are always exaggerating? It’s just a place like any other place, yes it is beautiful friend, I don’t want to lie, but to me its just a place because I’m always indoors,” Nombuso said.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t found a man there? How do you stay indoors while there are lots of boys there?” Lolo asked chuckling.

“You and boys! I didn’t go there for them friend. I just go to campus when I come back I would chat, just be on my phone, social media, listen to music and then sleep,” Nombuso said.

“You not going to run away from this one friend, be honest, look straight into my eyes and tell me you are not seeing anyone,” Lolo said and she was looking serious. She could always tell when her friend is lying.

“Look at you now, you even look serious, you like gossiping friend. To be honest I’m dating someone but I’m not even sure if we are really dating,” Nombuso said chuckling.

“Relationships are hard nowadays you no longer know if you are doing the right thing or not,” Lolo said.

“You see this relationship conversation is getting us emotional now. The problem with the boys in our days, they don’t know the definition of perfect love.” Nombuso said.

“I don’t think it’s only the boys who don’t know it, some girls are lucky to find real gentleman who can do anything for them but they are still complaining about it. If I could ask you friend, what is perfect love to you?” she asked.

“To me friend, it means someone who can give you a perfect life, someone who will love you as long as they are alive, someone who would die for you, never lie to you and someone who would even live a lie for you but some think all these are just fantastic movie story lines,” Nombuso said, deep in thought.

“Love is not supposed to change people, love is supposed to be fun I mean it needs you to be who you are, if you live a lie for someone that is changing your true self and it is not something you can do forever. I mean, in the 21st century do you think there’s anyone who’d do such things for you? Live a lie for you and love you like the people on the old movies, you can only fantasise that,” Lolo said.

“Then I think I’m living in a fantasy, as it looks like in our days you have to enjoy the relationship while it’s still new. You’d be lucky if it lasts for more than three weeks, it’s just a hit and run,” Nombuso said, laughing.

“You and your jokes, even on a serious matter. I think perfect love can only happen between two friends,” Lolo said while laughing and taking the empty plates back to the kitchen.

Nombuso looked at her crazy friend going to the kitchen, she reminded her of how they used to chill together at school and enjoy each other’s company during break times and free period. They spent the whole day together chatting and laughing, but Nombuso had to go back home as it was getting late.


Tell us: What is your definition of perfect love?