The village was beautiful in summer; nature showed every beauty in it. People in the village still believed in planting and everything was green, the clean water in the river was like a mirror that you could look at yourself in. The trees and roses with their different kinds of smells and the singing birds that sang every morning while enjoying fruit from the trees.

Nombuso was young, beautiful, slender, chocolate-skinned and had the shape of a goddess. She was in her early twenties. She was every guy’s dream girl. She had everyone turning their heads whenever she passed by, you could even hear young boys complementing her as she passed by. She was very smart, always number one in high school and she was very popular as she was good in activities, such as debating on serious topics, you’d swear she would become a leader of a political party one day.

Nombuso was a village girl but she was always mistaken for TV models due to her body structure and height. She had a good taste for fashion, always looking beautiful in her mini skirts and dresses. She was home during school holidays and she decided to visit one of her old friends during the weekend. It had been a long time since they had seen each other, you know life after school can end friendships that don’t have strong roots or if you both were acquaintances. She took a long bath and wore her black skinny jeans, a yellow T-shirt with her yellow Bathu sneakers (the trendy sneakers; every youngster’s dream sneaker). You could tell by the scent that came from her room that she was ready to go.

“Mother, I am leaving now to visit my old friend,” she said, and then she left.

Seeing an old friend is always pleasant you remind each other of the good times you had together and all the craziness. Not forgetting the hardships you went through and overcame together. You laugh at the silly things you both did at a young age. These two friends always had a vibe and a good time as they were both crazy.

Nombuso went to her friend Lolo’s place. She wasn’t expecting her as it was a suprise visit planned by Nombuso and it was really a surprise to Lolo. She screamed like someone who just saw a ghost and ran to hug her friend.

“Wow, Soh what have I done to deserve a surprise visit?” Lolo asked.

Soh was Nombuso’s school nickname.

“If it’s a crime to visit a friend I can go back to my place right now,” Nombuso said chuckling; she was always cracking jokes and laughing.

“You still like laughing and making jokes girl, will you ever grow up? Let’s go and sit over there we have a lot to catch up on!” Lolo said pointing at the couch on the veranda.

The sun was very hot, luckily, Lolo was home alone and they had the place to themselves so they could pick any spot with shade, without any disturbances.


Tell us: Do you have friendships that you’ve lost contact with?