One morning after Jade and Gift left for work and school, she picked up her phone and called Piet, her coloured boyfriend whom she last spoke to before she got pregnant.

“Hey liefie! Miss me?” a familiar voice answered.

“I do miss you love but that’s not why I’m calling.”

Wat’s voud?”

“Nothing, it’s just that we’ve been too distant from each other and I just didn’t know how I’ll break off certain news to you.”

“What news?”

“I have a boy, your son! I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want you thinking I want to trap you.”

“I really don’t know what to say…”

“Now he is not feeling good and the traditional healer said it’s because he hasn’t met his father’s side of the family and… I’m so stressed Piet, my poor baby refuses to even eat.”

“Look, I’m in Cape Town right now, let me see what I can do month end. I’ll try to send you money so you can bring the baby…”

“Cape Town? Oh no…I can…I can look for money to come there…this is very important for my boy, I mean our boy…”

She said already picturing herself in Cape Town.

“Look man, things are a bit tight and…”

“No Piet, no… I can’t just sit around and watch my son die. I really can’t, I’ll call you when I’m on my way.”

“Do what you think is best then!” Piet said hanging up on her.

After careful consideration Sphiwe decided she didn’t want to waste any more time. She felt she was sick and tired of playing happy families with the stupid Nigerian and his paralysed daughter who both made her sick to the last core just thinking of them.

She had a plan worked out but first she thought of packing Jaden and her things before she could put her plan into action. She knew that for months Jade had been saving money for Jaden and Gift so they could be well taken care of if something happened to him. She also knew that Jade preferred having his money closer and not in a bank.

All she needed to do was to find the money as it was somewhere hidden in the house.
One by one she started searching inside their drawers, turning their closet upside down. She searched under their bed even on the roof top. Just as she was about to give up, she spotted the bag which hung behind their bedroom door.

She smiled when she thought of how protective Jade was of that bag. He must have taken some money out for his taxi fare and forgot to return it to its hiding place.

Just as she anticipated Sphiwe found a stack of money in the bag. She didn’t waste time counting it, she took it all and placed Jaden on her back. She began thinking of a way out. A bright idea hit her. Zozo her cousin from Kwazulu-Natal was renting a room in Polokwane, she thought of spending a few days at her place before taking her trip to Cape Town.

Without even bothering to lock up she left the door open, took her bags and walked out. She was fortunate enough to find a taxi to Polokwane right outside Jade’s house.

Zozo arrived to welcome her at the taxi rank, mesmerized by the how cute her son was. Sphiwe felt like a little celebration after her victorious plan of stealing Jade’s money. She took Zozo to Spur where she started
explaining her little plan of trapping Piet with her child.

Hai! Mzala une Sibindi yazi! Manje uphi your black chocolate?” her cousin asked.

Hai suga black chocolate? That foolish Nigerian who still keeps money in a bag? If I don’t see him and that paralysed moron daughter of his it will be too soon.”

“Heya! Ntombi hai man, I give you a ten, ten Mzala you are one clever girl. So tell me how much money is there in the bag?”

“I don’t know and I don’t care, as long as it can take me to Cape Town.”

When Jade and Gift got home it felt a little unusual. Usually Sphiwe and Jade would be in the kitchen, she would either be cooking or preparing Jaden’s night bottles in the kitchen. That night the house was quiet as a mouse.

The minute Jade found the mess and the missing bag behind the door, he knew what happened.

As if talking to someone, he stood in the middle of the room with tears shining in his eye. Fifty thousand Rand!

Fifty thousand of my own blood, sweat and tears, he thought angrily.

He cried till he couldn’t feel his eyes any longer. When Gift ran into his bedroom to show him the marks of her English essay she found him crouched on the floor, his hands holding his chest.

Jade had suffered a heart attack!

Quickly she ran to the neighbours to ask for help, luckily the ambulance arrived in time to take him to hospital.


Tell us what you think: Why do you think people take advantage of others’ kindness?