***Into the Blue***

I kind of turn blue, and it is real. I am not a fan of any Blues band or blue movies. My favourite colour is not blue, but I just feel like I have the blues. This embarrassment has reached levels I did not expect.

“Shucks!” I think to myself.

“Do you know that I was sleeping the time my cousin called me?” Diana asks excitedly, but I am still dumbfounded at the moment. I then thank God the adrenaline is pumping through her veins, so she does not have to wait for my reply. “I was sleeping … fast asleep,” she continues. “But because I care about you, I quickly jumped out of bed, in my pyjamas, and got into a taxi like that and went all the way from home to the almighty DREAMS at midnight! When I arrived, you had already passed out. I picked you up in that state (with a little help of course) and drove you back home.”

“God-damn! Now everything makes sense,” I think to myself. “It’s all clear now. So, it was special agent Diana who saved the night. The hell?”

“Yeah,” she says, affirming with a nod as if she read my thoughts. “The hell I did. I drove that latest Range Rover and parked it in your exact spot.”

Before responding, I quiver and swallow hard. “But how can I not remember?” I ask, although I know the answer already. But I just cannot remain silent.

“It’s probably because you had a blackout,” she responds, offhandedly. I stare at her with my mouth open, and she laughs. “Come on, dude, it’s alright to let loose sometimes,” she continues.

I know that she knows that she is lying. That is just her way of trying to be cool. Nerds! I eye her sternly, and then she falters.

“Okay, maybe not,” she finally says. “But you don’t care, do you? Ever since we have known each other, you partied every day, and live it like your last, but the difference is that you never got sick like what happened today, which means there is a line that you crossed. But the fact still remains, your life is not so boring, Teekay.”

“Yeah, that’s what me and most of my mates think,” I say thoughtfully. “But we just have to play it safe at all times, because this world is really messed up. Lord, imagine if I had gotten raped at that club, or killed. I was wasted, for crying out loud, Anybody could have pounced on me without facing any resistance. Just look at it. With that kind of high, people take advantage of you.”

“I’m glad you see it now,” she says, nodding. I then clear my throat and lick my lips, trying hard to dodge her interrogating eyes. “Aw, poor Teekay,” she continues, hugging me. “Last night you did a lot of stuff that could have dragged you to your death, and no excuse can cover up for it. I very much understand it was a friend’s birthday and the party bar was on 120%, but this could not have been your reason to go Kanye Crazy. You still needed to act responsibly. That friend of yours had already forgotten about you the minute he got you settled in that club. He could not continue babysitting your drunk, carefree butt. You must always keep yourself in check everywhere you go. If I had not come, nobody knows what could have happened to you. Are you seeing it now?”

“Kinda …” I respond bluntly.

“Hm … kinda?” she says. “Teekay, you could have woken up in a ditch somewhere because of that. You need to watch yourself when you go out young man, because nobody will,” she continues, raising her voice now and brooding like a hen. “If you think that your so-called friends will always have your back then be my guest. Apparently, they all seem to be proving that they suck at this thing called friendship. If they loved you, they could have told you the truth, like I’m doing now.”

“Whoa! Where is this going?” I ask myself instead of responding.

I nearly tell her to slow down and remind her that she is not my mother, but the innocence, love, and care sparkling in her brown eyes sanitize my mind purely, so I just smile like a fool too overwhelmed by her sweet gesture.

She quickly grabs me by the arm. “Let’s go to your bed, Teekay,” she says. “You need to rest now, or else you’ll collapse in front of me.” She then leads me out of the bathroom, and my heart thuds.

“Diana, you are going to find my bedroom looking like a KFC restaurant that’s out of order!” I think to myself.

Tell us: What do you think is going to happen next?