Please my friend

“Auction” and “option’’ might sound the same when you say them quickly but beware of the mistakes that will happen if you don’t try to find the different between the two…

In life we always have things that we desire and love the most. But we must remember to just love ourselves first then the rest will follow. Sometimes we must cut all the ties and try to focus on us for just a couple of hours and see the results of being us for a moment. Take time to think about the things you do just to impress certain people.

We think these people love and adores us but only to find out that, to them, we’re just a mission that they are about to adjust. We do their dirty laundry without being aware and they leave us.

We all have our own mind and hearts, as I said in a certain chapter, that I used my mind to think and my heart to decide. It’s hard to find a friend that will always be honest with you, a friend that can give you advice and not an option. A friend who won’t make you to put your mind on auction just for him/her to survive. Selling and disturbing your mind just because he/she took advantage of your humble heart and turned it into something else. A friend that can give you advice is a friend that takes you into consideration and a friend that gives you an option is a friend that will always put you on the nearest auction and sell up your soul.

If you can’t say no to option then you will live your life with regrets because you don’t know what is wrong or right. You will never ever be sure of your decisions. I am not trying to destroy so-called best buddies or best-friends-forever (BFF) but am just trying to share my experience through all this.

Sometimes we just have to pause the relationship for few minutes and think or ask ourselves some questions like: “What do I benefit from these friendships? What makes these friendships so special? And if we can’t find answers for those questions that simply means we must take another time alone and try to figure a simple way of finding any success in that friendship.

We all need a friend who will lend a shoulder to cry on during sad moments. But that doesn’t mean that each and every time rough times come we must always run to them. One day they will get tired of your problems and you will feel rejected. Those people have their own problems to deal with. So, we must not be angry when they hang our dirty laundry in public because we gave them all our trust and turned them into a dumping place of our own problems.

We must decide what kind of friends we want and if we can find out the true meaning of “FRIENDSHIP” or the purpose of having a friend, then that will be easy for us to conquer. We will respect everything that we say when we are around them. There are those kinds of friends who will always laugh at your past and there are those who will always be there to pick you up when you are down and still laugh about you behind your back. All I’m trying to say is that, we must be very careful when it comes to choosing friends. Decide with your heart not mind which kind of friend you need in your life.

Most of our friends will not applause us for our own success instead they will always laugh when we fall down. They always smile when you are around because you always give them the best time of your life other than giving the best times for just a moment. We are the ones who will always decide what is better or what comes first, is it our lives or we are just trying to impress our friends.

Take a deep look at your own achievements and ask yourself whether that is what you wanted to have in your life. If yes then you are two steps ahead and if no then you are two steps behind on your friends’ achievements. Don’t be afraid to look him/her the eyes and say “Please my friend, let me be what I want to be so that I can have an easier way to untie myself from bad to good.”

“Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes abundance.” – John Petite Seun.


Tell us: Do you agree with the narrator about friends?