It’s been 2 years since our father died and to this day my mom blames herself for his death. It’s never been the same since his death; when you pass our house you’d swear it a graveyard …

I’m chilling with my best friends ndumiso and asanda but we don’t use our real names. Ndumiso is known as khekhe and asanda is d-man
Ey gents I just realised that this is the last day before we going back to school said khekhe

Oh yah !!! Me and dman said together

Eish we have to make the best of it gents , I said

But how we got no money and no girls or your’ll want us to go to the car wash and get something nyana eh said d-man

Eish but what if Sindi sees me there washing cars I responded

Weeh you too scared to even talk to that girl im sure she won’t even notice you said khekhe

Eyi don’t make fun of me you also single and your an even a more scaredy cat then me , I responded

No no no said khekhe your single becoz she rejected you , I found her so pretty that I rejected my self you see we’re not the same .

Eyi ma gents stop arguing about something so sentitive being a scaredy cat isn’t by choice now let’s go to the car wash said d-man

Eish I don’t know guys , I responded

Don’t worry my man she won’t be there said khekhe

And ngzo Gada I coast if eqamuka( I keep guard if she comes ) said d-man

Ayi ohk let’s go , I responded

As we’re walking to the car wash we see Nomfundo the girl who’s had a crush on me since grade 6

Eyi prince isn’t that Nomfundo said khekhe

We’ll look at that it is her I responded this must be stalking me

Eyi Musa ukubhiyiza ( don’t be stupid ) that girl is loaded why don’t you go and try your luck said d-man

I don’t know gents ,I responded

Come we need the money don’t we said khekhe

Fine ,I responded with an unsure face

Then I went to Nomfundo with my the most charming face I could pull out ….

Hey Nomfundo , I said

Oh Hye prince charming ,she said look very excited to see me

Eish mf2 sorry for troubling you but me and my friends are putting our money and I was hoping could you lend us some money , I said while licking my mouth

How much money do your’ll need , she asked

In my mind I thought of asking for R50 but my friend would be disappointed so I said without thinking R350

Her face lookes happy for some reason like it was small money

You know I could give you R750 she said with a face that gave me chills down my spine

My face so shocked before I could respond she said but you know nothing’s for Mahala ( free ) if you come at my place at 20 :00 I could even make it R2000

My mouth automatically said yes

Great! She said while taking out R100 notes out of her pockets , she gave me and said don’t be late ….

Still amazed I stood there for a few minutes then heard my friends shouting my name prince!!!!

Then I went to them and they didn’t believe me till I showed them the money

We’re rich !!! shouted khekhe

We ended up not even going to the car wash and and I hid some money in my pocket becoz I was going to work hard for the money right …