The stress causes Zenande to give birth prematurely. She then gives birth to a beautiful baby boy, and he looks exactly like his father. While she is breastfeeding him, she finds out that her mother had been trying to reach Bulose for some time now, but to no avail.

“He’s not answering,” her mother says. “Even on his son’s birth, he’s out there bombing ATM’s,” she continues.

“Ma, please,” Zenande says, looking down at her son, who is eagerly sucking on her breast.

“A food lover,” Zenande’s mother says, laughing.

“Like his father,” Zenande responds, smiling.

“That excuse of a man,” her mother says, frowning.

“Ma please, try him again,” Zenande says.

“He’s a grown man. I’m sure he’s seen all our missed calls,” her mother says with a sigh.

“It’s unlike him to not get back to me,” Zenande says, shaking her head.

“He’s a thug, so he’s probably out there stealing,” her mother says.

“He’s not a bad person ma,” Zenande says, defending her husband.

“A thug is a bad person,” her mother responds.

“For a Christian, you sure are judgemental,” Zenande says, frowning.

“I’m just telling the truth. You deserve better,” her mother says.

Just as Zenande was about to answer her mother, something playing on the television catches her eye. “Turn up the volume,” she says to her mother.

“Why?” her mother asks.

“Just do as I’ve told you Ma, please,” Zenande begs, and her mother does as she is asked, and turns up the volume.

“Six police men gunned down in a heist. Three men, who are suspects in the matter, have been shot Dead, two are being rushed to hospital, and one managed to get away, although we’ve just received a tip off that the police are on his tail. I am, Dipuo Hleni. Stay tuned for more updates on the matter,” the woman reading the news says.

“What? Why are you interested in heists?” Zenande’s mother asks as soon as the newswoman is done.

“Bulose,” Zenande stutters.

“What about that criminal?” her mother asks, but, instead of responding, Zenande just bursts into tears.


Tell us: What do you think is going to happen next?