Zenande sits in the dark, waiting for the father of her child to come back home. She is relentless, and she bites her nails roughly, but the clock on the wall does not stop, it keeps going. She then stands up and balances on the armchair with her left hand holding her stomach. She is hugely pregnant.

“Where are you, Bulose?” she mutters to herself. She then stares at the clock, and it is 2:00am on the dot.

After moving her eyes from the clock, Zenande stares at the huge diamond ring on her finger and smiles sadly as memories flood in her mind. She and Bulose had gotten married five months prior, but her family had not attended the wedding because they did not think Bulose was suitable for their physician daughter.

After a while, Zenande starts pacing up and down the house. “What good is all this fortune without peace?” she says, sighing, then she stares at the clock again, and takes a bottle of water and gulps it down.

While Zinande is drinking the water, she finally hears a car stopping outside. She then quickly stands up again and rushes to the window. When she looks out the window, she sees her husband emerging out of a black Corolla, wearing all black, carrying two huge bags, and dragging a big suitcase. After he gets out of the car, it drives away, and he comes straight to the house. When that happens, Zenande rushes to the sofa and pretends she is fast asleep.

Bulose walks in after a while, then he drops the bags on the floor and quickly locks the door behind him. With the door locked behind him, he catches sight of his wife, then he smiles and walks towards her. He then carries her up to the bedroom and lets her lie on the bed.

In the bedroom, Bulose slowly kisses Zinande’s lips and walks to the bathroom. After a while, Zenande hears the water in the shower running, then she eventually drifts off to a sound sleep.


Tell us: Do you think it is advisable for people to marry their partners even if their families disagree with it?