Tobby was pleased hearing the great news from the two strangers who saved him, begging Angela to show him where his dad was. Angela even made Tobby happier when telling him that Tobby’s father was her colleague.

“No way.” Tobby was crying, thinking he’d never meet his dad and see his mom.

It saddened Jens and Angela to see Tobby cry, so Angela phoned Dr. Laurance to tell him about his lost son.

“Morning Dr. Laurance, I called to inform you about a young boy my husband and I found yesterday. He claims to be your son and I find him convincing because he seems to know so much about you and not to mention that you both look alike,” said Angela.

“Oh thank you lord, it must be him. How did he got there, how is he now? I got a call from his mother reporting he was missing. He’s Tobby, right?” Tobby’s father asked, seeking information.

“Yes, yes it’s him, he’s Tobby from England. Let me give him the phone,” Angela said handing the cell phone to Tobby.

“Hello boy, Tobby is that you?” asked Tobby’s father anxiously.

“Yes dad it’s me, come get me,” replied Tobby crying.

David Laurance couldn’t hear him properly because Tobby was crying on the phone. Tobby’s father told him to not worry because he was on his way to fetch him.

David Laurance immediately notified Tobby’s mother that he had found him. Tobby named the dog that saved his life, Brave. He was grateful that Brave had saved his life.

Two hours later, Tobby’s father, arrived in Hamburg from Bremen where he was working. How David hugged his son, it showed that he could never ever be separated from him by anything.

David Laurance sorted out all the necessary channels to keep his son with him.

Tobby and his dog Brave now stayed in Bremen and often visited his mother during holidays. He was a happy kid after all.


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